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KiranKiran is 28 years old and crazy. On the age of 17 he found out that he had a fun fantasy and has used it ever since to create his stories. He's always in a good mood and loves to be around people who are happy. He's an inspiration because of his humor and positive attitude. He goes through life with a relaxt quote "All is well."

"When you believe in your inner strength, you will be able to do anything."



Andrea loves photography, filmmaking and writing. She dreams about travelling the world and learning new things. Inspired by strong driven people, she aims to be one too.



Anicha is 17 years old and always straight to the point. She lives life with a strong positive attitude and doesn't give up easily. By writing her blogs she would like to give positive thoughts to others. Besides that she wished to let people think about subjects like life and love. "Aut viam in....



Chi-Chih is a fan of fashion, a student of mother Earth, and a believer of love. He longs for a simpler and better life. Originally from Taiwan, his current issue is to present what he has learned in his life, mixed by Chinese culture, fashion design, and international politics.



Kiran is 28 years old and crazy. On the age of 17 he found out that he had a fun fantasy and has used it ever since to create his stories. He's always in a good mood and loves to be around people who are happy. He's an inspiration because of his humor and positive attitude. He goes through life ....



Raven is 27 years old. At the age of 26 he started several projects under the name of his company Sky Enterprises. He thought it was time in this time of darkness to give the people a source of enlightment, motivation and inspiration. Besides leading the projects, Raven also writes blogs himself, ....



Passionist, philosophy, artistic, designer, writer… a complete dreamer .“You think too much”, is what most people tell about me, “Not everything has a reason”, Do you believe it yourself? Researching questions about the philosophy of life and answering them is my passion. By using philoso....

And when the future hinges on the next words that are said, don't let logic interfere, believe your heart instead.

En wanneer de toekomst afhangt van de volgende woorden die worden gezegd, laat logica zich er niet mee bemoeien, geloof je hart in plaats daarvan.

Philip Robison