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There are no translations available.   Als geuren van kusten Worden vervangen door stof van steden Als raadsels van dichters Worden ontvouwen door aard der wetenschap Als blikken van mijn verliefdheid Worden vastgelegd door aanraking van papier Vraag ze dan de vlaggen te breken Die reizen ....

To Breathe

To Breathe

There are no translations available. I wish I could keep you safe from hurt. But I can't, which makes me feel sad, helpless and your pain as well. Then what is the gain of love? When no one is and ever will be safe? Blood flows through my body to live, but your love flows through my heart to ....

I Had Been Looking Forward To Summer

I Had Been Looking Forward To Summer

I had looked forward to the sun, to sitting at the park eating strawberries and drinking some wine. Even more than this, I had been looking forward to going home. Very few people understand the absence of a home when you live in a foreign country. Everything around you reminds you of how different e....

Young Spirits

Young Spirits

How come that being a young person in 2011 means that people keep telling you that you should be careful about what you say and how you say it? That you should do as you are told? They fail to wonder whether I agree with what it takes to become successful in life and what my definition of it is. I k....

Can Fashion Be Possibly Radical?

Can Fashion Be Possibly Radical?

How wrong can fashion business ideologically be? Easy, very much. Everyone can simply pick up several "sins" that the entire fashion business has committed, such as using exotic fur (animal rights), encouraging diet (Anorexia), and pre-mature modeling. From the view of activism, the fashion industry....

Shush Suriname

Shush Suriname

The heavily rainy night greets us, making us float a little longer above the pouring clouds. Nervous silence surrounds us, as our community has been struck often by such disasters. One engraved in our geographical heart to the east side. But we gently land toward ten years further. Why did my tears ....

Until We Can Let Go...

Until We Can Let Go...

Yes, it does matter what you have experienced. What it has done to you and still remains to do. What place it occupies in your life now, and how it has shaped you into the person you are today and would want to be someday. You want to know that someone cares. Someone who loves you for who you are. W....

Friendship, a Temporary Illusion?

Friendship, a Temporary Illusion?

The dictionary isn’t really clear about the definition of friendship. For me it’s too superficial. For me friendship exists in levels. One is closer to me than another. But what is it? Why is someone your friend? Friendships are engaged. Children do this with words like: “Want to become frien....

The spirit, the will to win, and the will to excel are the things that endure. These qualities are so much more important than the events that occur.

Vince Lombardi